
Laundry - IMPOSS PWA

Laundry IMPOSS Login Screen

This application is my take on creating a progressive web application for the inventory management system of a laundry business. The tech stack for this is SvelteKit and Prisma using PostgreSQL database under the hood. The app is currently hosted in Vercel and the database is hosted in Neon Tech. The database was originally hosted in a MySQL server hosted in Planetscale, but due to their hobby tier deprecation I decided to migrate the database to Neon.

The client requirements for this application is that it needs to provide employees with a way to add transactions, monitor payments, provide print receipt functionality, and keep track of laundry products being used. The client also has to have admin functionality wherein they can see a visualization and the overall status of the business, see individual transactions being done, keep track of inventory for restocking, and manage employees using the system.

This application is also my first real implementation of creating a SvelteKit application as before this, I was mainly learning how to create applications using the framework. This also had a version 1 and 2. The v1 worked fine but it had issues with blocking user inputs while it loads data from the database. v2 was a complete rewrite of the application, putting everything I've learned from developing the v3 of the pharmacy IMPOSS application.

Laundry IMPOSS PWA Client Window

This is what the PWA looks like. It has multiple functionalities.
  • Switch User - multiple users are able to log in at the same time. They can swap between each quickly, which is a feature built to handle multiple employees working at the same time in the shop.
  • QR Code Scanner - this can scan QR codes found in the printed receipt papers.
  • Summary - a quick overview of the sales for the day. This is useful for balancing purposes.
  • Print Receipt - in conjunction with using the rawbt application, it is able to print from thermal printers connected via bluetooth.

As it is a progressive web application, we are able to install it like how a normal application would and can be installed, preferably, on a tablet, as the application is designed to work on a tablet sized screen.

Laundry IMPOSS Admin Panel Dasboard

This is what the admin panel looks like. This is on a desktop as the admin panel is designed to be viewed in a desktop or a large screen setting. We don't have much data here as this is a test environment, but this is what the admin is expecting to see. They are able to see the sales trend for the day, see sales report for the day, monitor stock levels, and determine the overall net profit based on the days selected on the calendar.

Inventory, Transactions, and Users pages are panels that are used to manage the inventory, see transactions done throughout the day or days, and add/remove users accordingly.

This has now been signed off and both the employees and the business owners are now using this in production.

If you are interested and want to see a demo of this application, do send me an email at [email protected], and I would be happy to walk you through its features.
