
Surprising use of a String Obfuscator


I found a surprising use of a string obfuscator in JavaSript. When I compile a JavaScript file to a binary package using @yao-pkg, if this js file contains secret strings, these strings are entirely viewable when you open the binary package in notepad or some similar text software.

Consider a .env variable that looks like this:

In an example api endpoint, these environment variables are being used like this:

During a vite build, since these are static environment variables, these will be replaced with their corresponding environment variable values:

When you transpile this to CJS, and then package that to a binary file, then open it with some kind of text processor, we're able to see the PRIVATE_STRING inside it (in this case, I am using WordPad as opening it using Notepad just crashes it):

This could potentially be an issue if you have API keys, or secret strings that you need to consume in your application. Someone can simply open the binary using a text processor, then scour for some API keys, and you'll be pwned this way.

This is where string obfuscation comes in. When we include a string obfuscator to obfuscate all private variables before building the application, this is what will happen (keep in mind that in this example, I do the obfuscation after converting the codebase from ESM to CJS):

When we build this codebase to a binary file, we are now unable to find this string in the text editor.

When we try searching for the unobfuscated public key, this is what we get.

What do you think? Do you this this is a reliable enough way to protect your secret strings or API keys? Of course you also have to make sure that your keys are created in a way that you only allow the minimum permissions required for the application to work, and that you are able to rotate these keys from time to time without it being too invasive for the users using the desktop application.

You may check how I am using this to obfuscate keys here in my nwjs-sveltekit-template repo:
