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Retrospective - BMP Application

It has quite been a journey from the concept of creating this application until now. It all started when a client reached out to me regarding the development of an application to manage the inventory and sales of a pharmacy business. I took up the offer, how complicated can it be, right?

4 years later, an entire application refactor, and 3 failed attempts at refactoring it, here we are. I had to make my own “framework” as at that time, learning one is too complicated for me and I honestly have no idea where to start. This is my journey at how I finished this application.

Initial Development

I did my research first on what I can use to build a desktop web application, as I was thinking of using HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and SQL in building the application. I finally settled with branchseer’s Deskgap application as at that time I wanted to create the package that is as small as I possibly can. It was kind of a bad idea as this was rarely maintained, runs on the operating system’s built in HTML Viewer, and is quite buggy and does not have a lot of useful features that you can find on a lot of newer desktop app frameworks nowadays.